Paesaggi Riparati, HIDDEN LANDSCAPES, Città della Pieve

Paesaggi Riparati, HIDDEN LANDSCAPES, Città della Pieve

from 12/10 to 10/11/2024
Città della Pieve (PG)  -  Palazzo della Corgna

Opening Friday 11 October at 18.00 
Thursday & Friday from 14.00 to 20.00 
Saturday and Sunday  from 10.00 to 20.00 
Free admission 
Guided tours by appointment. In collaboration with the city of Città della Pieve. 
Città della Pieve is proud to present the first exhibition in Italy of works by the Belgian multi-disciplinary artist Laure Hassel. The show, entitled Paesaggi Riparati – un omaggio a Pippa Bacca will be open from 12 October to 10 November 2024 in the charming setting of Palazzo Della Corgna. Paintings, installations and videos – an imagined journey that dialogues with the gorgeous frescoes that grace the Palazzo itself. It tells the story of the Milan-born performer Pippa Bacca who, on 8 March, 2008, embarked upon a voyage she called Brides on Tour, hitchhiking from Milan over the Balkans, Turkey and the Middle East to Jerusalem dressed in an ostentatious wedding dress. The aim was to symbolically cleanse and heal the regions and landscapes that bore the scars of violence and, in so doing, spread a positive messages of humanism and peace. Pippa Bacca, however, never made it back to Milan, victim of the violence unleashed upon her by a man she hitched a ride with in Turkey. Laure Hassel:  “ …..This project aims to look at womanhood and the ecology that is at the base of my entire artistic process…. an ecology that also springs from a qualitative (re)valorisation of human relationships at every level, even the artistic level, and a desire to look deeper into transversality.  This is the context within which I seek to propose the tragic story of Pippa Bacca, including her extraordinary project steeped in peace and humanity. It is an essential and universa