2024-2025 Theatre Schedule  of the Teatro Caporali in Panicale

2024-2025 Theatre Schedule of the Teatro Caporali in Panicale

from 01/12/2024 to 02/04/2025
Panicale (PG)  -  Teatro Cesare Caporali

The 2024-2025 theatre season of the Teatro Caporali di Panicale, organised by the Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria in collaboration with the local administration, opens at 6pm on Sunday 1 December with Sinatra. The man and his music. The show stars Gianluca Guidi and Stefano Sabatini on the piano, Dario Rosciglione on bass and Marco Rovinelli on drums and recounts the history of the music and life of Frank Sinatra, his relationship with the Kennedy family and boisterous love life.  

The season continues at 9pm on Saturday, 4 January starring Debora Caprioglio as Artemisia Gentileschi in an emotional performance of Non fui gentile, fui Gentileschi by R. D’Alessandro, F. Valdi, and directed by Roberto D'Alessandro. The sexual attack she suffered, and the consequent trial of the perpetrator, leave deep scars in the artistic life of Artemisia, on her struggle to make her voice heard in a world dominated with ferocity by men, and turn her into an important figure in the battle for women’s rights. 

Sunday 2 February at 6pm   the Sacchi di Sabbia Theatrical Company will put on Pluto, by Aristofane, in its entirety. The Company gives their rendition an historical twist, with four actors playing all of the parts, exactly as it had been done in Athens during the author’s life. 

Tuesday 4 March at 9pm   Paolo Nani returns to Panicale with is most recent work, Piccoli miracoli, which boasts a highly original scenic expression as the theatre and the visual arts come together with poetry and a keen sense of humour. The protagonist is a solitary figure, an artist who seeks to lock himself into his own small world but somehow can’t completely isolate himself from the reality around him. The sounds from the world outside, and the neighbours, disturb his concentration and find their way into his designs.

Saturday 22 March at 9pm  Controcanto Collettivo stages Seconda classe, a new play produced by the TSU that focuses on the theme of wealth, luxury and the exclusivity they bring.

The season’s final performance takes place on Wednesday, 2 April, at 9pm with dance by the Balletto Civile performing Davidson, a blend of literature and dance based on the play Il Padre Selvaggio by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1962 and published a year after his dramatic death.  

A advanced sales for season tickets holders start on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November.
Ufficio Info Point Piazza Umberto I, +39 075 837433 or +39  392 9191825 
panicale@sistemamuseo.it; from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 5pm.  
Ufficio Cultura Comune di Panicale 
+39 075 8379531 Monday to Friday from 9 to 1pm. 
You can also renew your subscription to the theatre by sending an email to  abbonamenti@teatrostabile.umbria.it  including your name and the theatre that interests you.
NEW SUBSCRIBERS season tickets sales begin Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November. 
You can also purchase the new season in its entirety online at www.teatrostabile.umbria.it.

TICKET SALES from Wednesday 27 November.
ONLINE TICKETS can be purchased online at www.teatrostabile.umbria.it 
TELEPHONE RESERVATIONS Call the Botteghino Telefonico Regionale of the TSU 
+39 075 57542222, every weekday from 5pm to 8pm. 

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