22. Migiana - Monte Tezio, Lac Trasimène, Ombrie

The point of departure for this itinerary is the small built-up area of Migiana di Monte Tezio. From here, we head towards the Castle of Antognolla, taking a narrow road after the church that goes past the houses. As we descend, on the right we come to a vista of the Tiber valley, the hills extending to Gubbio and Città di Castello, and the Apennines. The area we cross as we take the narrow road across the hillside presents a prevalence of woods and abandoned clearings, as well as pastures and small olive groves.

Several farmhouses – now in ruin – bear witness to the agricultural vocation that once distinguished this area. Past Casale Pavia, we take a dirt track that climbs to the left, going up the slope of Monte Tezio. The first segment is quite steep and winding, and then enters into hornbeam woods. The route, which is especially well maintained, is ideal for a lovely walk through the woods, which slowly open up as we arrive at the first high meadows. From here we reach the summit, walking along the crest of Monte Tezio until we reach the cross. We walk along the entire stretch of meadows towards the antennas of the Fire Brigade, with a sweeping view of all of Umbria, from Lake Trasimeno to the Tiber valley and the Apennines. Before we reach the antennas, we take a dirt track to the left that goes from Croce Fonte Nuova to the cross further down. This part of the route offers a panoramic view of the Tiber valley, with the Castle of Procoio and the little village of Migiana di Monte Tezio in the foreground, outlined against the slopes of the massif.

  • In the background, the Apennine range with the sequence of its mountains looks extremely close when the weather is clear.
    From this point, the descent is quite steep and segments with pebbles and embedded stones are alternated with stretches that are partially concealed by vegetation. When we reach the plateau with the Castle of Procoio, we turn right to head back to Migiana.
    Point de départ: Migiana di Monte Tezio
  • Temps employé: 03:00 h
  • Longueur: 11.76 km
  • Degré de difficulté moyen

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