A tour of wineries is a great way to get to know the Trasimeno Lake area. Book your visits to wineries and Wine Tours on https://www.stradadelvinotrasimeno.it/prenotazione/
or call +39 333 985 4593
Contact the winery and take advantage of their special Yes Trasimeno Card promotion!
Azienda Agricola Poggio Santa Maria
Loc. La Villa, 30 - Dr. Teodoro Calvo + 39 3351288121 - www.poggiosantamaria.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on the purchase of wine
Cantina del Trasimeno Duca della Corgna
Via Roma, 236 – Tel. +39 0759652493 – Fax +39 0759525303 - www.ducadellacorgna.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on any Duca della Corgna label wines
Il Poggio
Via Petrarca, 60 – Macchie – Tel./Fax +39 075 9680381 - www.vitivinicolailpoggio.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on wine purchases.
Via Cimbano, 36 – Vaiano – Tel./Fax +39 3470046160 - 3337290039 - 0759527220 - www.madrevite.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 30% discount on guided tours with tastings.
Voc. Morami –Panicarola – Tel./Fax +39 075 9589107 - www.morami.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: visit of the vineyards and the cellar with free tasting of 5 wines.
Podere Marella
Loc. Ferretto, 32 – Tel. +39 0759659028 - +39 3663172990 www.poderemarella.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 5% discount on wine, 10% on purchases of more than euro 100
Agriturismo e Azienda agricola Casali del Toppello
Via Toppello, 5/7 - Loc. Mantignana
Tel. +39 3356170584 - www.casalideltoppello.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on all purchases at the winery.
Az. Agr. Carlo e Marco Carini
Strada del Tegolaro – Tel./Fax +39 0756059495 - www.agrariacarini.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: visit of the estate and tasting of wine and Cinta Senese salami by reservation. 10% discount for purchases in the wine shop
Voc. Col di Betto – Tel. +39 346 1454558 Raffaele - www.coldibetto.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 1 bottle free for every 6 purchased. An Italia Premium Quality offer.
Società Agricola Casaioli Stefano
Strada Pievaiola, 321/H - +39 349 3822657 - www.agricolacasaioli.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on purchases of euro 100 or more of certain wines.
Az.Agr. Pucciarella
Via Case Sparse, 39 - Fraz. Villa di Magione- Tel. +39 0758409147 – Fax +39 0758409440 - www.pucciarella.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on all purchases. Guided tours and tasting of spumante, wine and vinsanto at the lovely underground cantina of the 18th century building.
Cantina Berioli
Via del Moscatello, 3 – Tel. +39 3452586604 - 335 5498173 - 349 5241724- www.cantinaberioli.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on a purchase of 100 euros minimum
Cantina Nofrini
Via Colle Castelluccio, 5 – Tel. +39 075841595 – +39 3204605322 - www.casaleilpicchio.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on min 40 euro wine purchase. Free guided tour of the winery by appointment.
Castello di Magione
Viale Cavalieri di Malta, 31 – Tel. +39 075843547 - www.castellodimagione.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on the purchase of wine, grappa, olive oil, honey and walnuts. 15% discount on tasting with historic visit (min 8 guests).
Molini Popolari Riuniti Cantina Terre del Carpine
Via Formanuova, 87 – Tel. +39 075840298 – www.mpr-eu.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on wine purchases.
Az. Agr. La Querciolana
Via Vieniche, 4 – Tel. +39 3930261934 - +39 3282196849 Alessio www.laquerciolana.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: free guided tour of the vineyard, cellar and church by appointment. Followed by paid tastings
Tenuta Lamborghini
Loc. Soderi, 1 - Tel. + 39 0758350029 www.tenutalamborghini.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on purchases of over euro 100.
Azienda Agricola Pomario
Loc. Pomario , 30- Tel. + 39 0758358579 - 3470680626 - www.pomario.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: Free guided tour of the vineyard and tasting of wine and olive oil. By appointment only. 5% discount on wine purchased at the winery.
La Casa Dei Cini soc. agr. semplice di R. e C.Cini
Voc. Petroso, 68 - Pietrafitta - Tel. +39 349 2594845 - www.lacasadeicini.it
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on purchase of wine at the cantina and on the tasting package, by appointment only.
Az. Agricola Montemelino
Fonte S. Angelo, 15 – Tel. +39 3382858418 - www.montemelino.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on wines purchased at the winery.
Vineria Chiesa del Carmine
Strada Castiglione Ugolino snc
Loc. La Bruna - Tel. +39 075 9414219 www.chiesadelcarmine.com
Yes Trasimeno Card: 10% discount on all purchases of wine and oil to all visitors who show the Card in the winery